The original painting has been sold, but this work is now available as a print. Please check it out here:
print for sale
Large Scan Image of "Dogwood Herd" Now Available!
I had some requests for larger prints of "Dogwood Herd" so I rescanned at a higher resolution, uploaded and prepped the following image. Thanks so much for your interest. Find high quality large prints here:
“Saw Mill Hill Road” sold to collector in Australia
"Saw Mill Hill Road" Sold To Melbourne Collector
Very grateful to the Melbourne, Australia collector who purchased this work. A lovely walk down Sawmill Road in Rochester, Vermont had me pulling the paints out. A warm, unforgettable fall day, and yes, that yellow tree was really that yellow.
For additional prints and information:
Thank You to the Collector of "Liquid Gladiolus" by C. Twomey
So grateful to the collector from Charlottesville, VA for their print purchase of "Liquid Gladiolus." This years crop of glads is just starting to form the flowers, but can't wait until they bloom for more painting sessions!
For your own print (the original is sold):…
Sold Print, "Blue Ridge Cloud Shadows" C. Twomey Award Winning Art
Thank you to the collector! Prints may be purchased here:
Also explore original art here: