still lives

Dogwood Portrait, Work In Progress by C. Twomey


Juried Into Exhibition!

Just learned three of my oil paintings have been juried in to the highly competitive "Randy Highbee 6X6" Squared" exhibition. They'll be on display and for sale in Los Angeles beginning December 2. THANK YOU RANDY HIGHBEE!

Left to right, "Balls of Glass" - "Seashell Served Up On A Silver Platter" - "Portrait of a Jug"


Indian Horsehair Vase & Lemon; A First Meeting

 American Indian Horsehair Vase & Lemon: A First Meeting
Indian Horsehair Vase & Lemon; A First Meeting
Original oil on linen panel, 5 X 7", for sale. Contact at 262-893-4126.

This is an oil of a cherished American Indian made horsehair vase, painted with a fresh slice of lemon. This is the official documentation of their first meeting; an auspicious meeting in Sedona, Arizona where I spent a joyous week painting with fellow artists. 

The kind of organic work I want to continue once settled in California.

African Shell and Rock, In Conversation

Just posted this:

African Shell and Rock, In Conversation
African Shell and Rock, In Conversation

To Fine Art America, where prints of it up to 43 X 60" can be purchased. Found this wonderful Sedona red rock outside the studio one day, the same day I found this smooth, pearlescent African shell in a mystical mysterious Sedona-type shop.

Moving to California on Saturday. No really, I am. To Danville, which is in the East Bay of San Francisco. I am so looking forward to painting new landscapes, people, horses and whatever else crosses my path. We're going to take two weeks to get there, seeing all kinds of friends along the way in Cleveland, Chicago, Montana and finally San Fran. Time for a good, good change.

BTW, the original is for sale. Email or give me a call at 262-893-4126 & we'll talk.

Two Auctions: Original Oils

 "Pear With Jefferson Cup" by Twomey
"Pear With Jefferson Cup" 8 X 10", oil on archival linen 

 "Taylor Jug With Pear" by Twomey
"Taylor Jug With Pear" 8 X 6", oil on archival linen

Click the images above (or use the links below) to be taken directly to the auctions for these works. Thank you for your support.

Why paint? "Taylor Jug & Pear" oil by Twomey

 Twomey oil painting
Taylor Jug and Pear

There's so much behind every painting that, until now, hasn't been said. 

There has to be an emotional connection to what I'm going to spend time painting. In this piece, it's the beauty of the old, worn jug; so obviously prized by it's makers and now by me. Then, there's the very physical act of creating: which objects? What are the relationships between the objects? What kind of light? How, how do I simplify yet suggest volume and form? The best of all? How wonderful it feels to start to shape something out of the air, to mix the colors until they're just right, and find meaning in the final result. I was there. I touched that surface. I loved those things.

I've been trying to get up to speed on what blogging is, and I've decided much 

of it is a guess. You have to waddle through all of the self-proclaimed 

experts and take a nugget here, a nugget there, to come to a semblance 

of a conclusion. It's maddening! But maybe that's the challenge. New phrase: 

In The Old Days (ITOD) it was all laid out and clear: galleries, publishers, 

agents, collectors. Not any more. I hope to blog my successes and failures as this evolves.

Thank you for reading and looking.