
"Indian Horsehair Vase and Lemon: A First Meeting" Listed For Sale Today

Having just moved a household, family and two dogs across the country to northern California, I am happy to be getting back to painting. There is nothing like finishing a new work that moves my goals one step closer.

Still Living Momentarily

Don't know quite why this is on my mind. Maybe since I just moved 3,000 miles, from Virginia to California. 

When I was a tiny kid, I have vague memories of picking up the phone off the wall in our kitchen in Naperville, Illinois, knowing my mom was on the extension. I don't remember knowing how to turn the dial to get numbers; maybe that hadn't even been invented yet. I could hear multiple chattering, somewhat familiar voices, which suddenly stopped when my phone clicked on. A dark pause led to my mother admonishing me to hang up the phone, please. Of course I did.

Those were party lines; mid-fifties. And party those women did with that new fangled machine, able to gossip easily, locally and with many households all at once. Somewhere in an AT&T or Ma Bell building, another woman sat at a huge console, plugging-in and linking wires so the neighborhood could run rampant.

Here we are, 3,000 miles from where we were a month ago and half a century from that memory. My iPhone 5s made the journey too. It has so many magical things it can do, I've only learned to use a fraction. Maybe it too can party-line, but what women now sit around the house and have the time or energy to gossip?

I didn't even have to change the number to use it in my new-found paradise, though some people ask why I have a Wisconsin area code (from two moves ago). 


Indian Horsehair Vase & Lemon; A First Meeting

 American Indian Horsehair Vase & Lemon: A First Meeting
Indian Horsehair Vase & Lemon; A First Meeting
Original oil on linen panel, 5 X 7", for sale. Contact at 262-893-4126.

This is an oil of a cherished American Indian made horsehair vase, painted with a fresh slice of lemon. This is the official documentation of their first meeting; an auspicious meeting in Sedona, Arizona where I spent a joyous week painting with fellow artists. 

The kind of organic work I want to continue once settled in California.

Auction Ending In Nine Hours!!!

 Taylor Jug and Pear by Twomey
"Taylor Jug and Pear" by Twomey

This auction is ending tonight, so please click here to place your bid.

I collect antique moonshine jugs, and loved the shape, coloring and stenciled letters of the maker on the jug. The pear I chose especially to go with the pottery, which I thought gave it a run for the money in terms of fabulous color.

This is an original oil painting, done alla prima (in one sitting - a long day!). The painting is on archival board and is unframed, 6 X 8". 

My artwork has been featured at the world renowned TED (Technology, Education and Design) conference (TED MED in San Diego, on huge high definition screens throughout the exhibition center). I recently won the nationally acclaimed ArtInPlace competition in Virginia which placed a 12' X 24' mural on aluminum of my work, now seen by thousands of commuters daily.

Two museums currently house my art: The William H. Benton Museum in Connecticut, and The LLoyd Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was a great honor to be asked to exhibit and I continue to add to their collections. Speaking of collections, my work is a part of hundreds of private collections worldwide.
I've won many national and international awards for my artwork, and am a published author which means I have no excuse for bad writing or editing. Mea culpa. I'm not nearly as good a writer as my brother Steve, who won a Pulitzer Prize and has some books in the works. I do, however, try.

There have been great influencers throughout my life. My mother, who raised three children alone on a schoolteacher's salary. My brother Steve, who won a Pulitzer Prize and has some books in the pipeline. My sister Ann, who is the good child. Cousin Julia Sweeney from Saturday Night Live and many books, one-woman shows and screenplays. My sister-in-law Kathleen Carroll runs the editorial side of the Associated Press, and is Chairperson of the Pulitzer Prize Award Board. All of these influencers have accomplished amazing things despite great adversity.

I have studied with some of the best artistic and scientific minds in the world: fellow medical illustrators. Leonardo da Vinci is considered the first medical illustrator, and his knowledge, technical abilities and deep curiosity are benchmarks for the field. As a Board Certified Medical Illustrator, I have had the privilege to know and learn directly from some of the most extraordinarily talented, smart and influential visionaries living today.

Fine art influencers include Georgia O'Keefe, da Vinci, Rembrandt and Degas. I look to their struggles and triumphs, and their unflinching persistence.
I'm available to answer any questions you have about my process or anything else art related. Your input is greatly welcomed.

Two Auctions: Original Oils

 "Pear With Jefferson Cup" by Twomey
"Pear With Jefferson Cup" 8 X 10", oil on archival linen 

 "Taylor Jug With Pear" by Twomey
"Taylor Jug With Pear" 8 X 6", oil on archival linen

Click the images above (or use the links below) to be taken directly to the auctions for these works. Thank you for your support.

Auction "Taylor Jug and Pear" by C. Twomey

Original Twomey oil painting
"Taylor Jug and Pear" by C. Twomey

Sample framing of "Taylor Jug and Pear"

I collect antique moonshine jugs, and loved the shape, coloring and stenciled letters of the maker on the jug. The pear I chose especially to go with the pottery, which I thought gave it a run for the money in terms of fabulous color.

This is an original oil painting, done alla prima (in one sitting - a long day!). The painting is on archival board and is unframed, 8 X 10". 

A Lot Of Crock With Apple

Photo: After an unexpectedly complicated and frightening month, I finally have the time to get back to some painting. Things are looking up now, and I'm hoping not to visit the inside of a hospital again for a long, long time. 

For no discernible reason, I am now completely enamored of jugs. Moonshine jug crock-type things. I love their shape, their earth colors, and their age. An ideal pairing with a luscious apple. 

If you have good health, cherish it. You never know.
Apple Meets Crock
After an unexpectedly complicated and frightening month, I finally have the time to get back to some painting. Things are looking up now, and I'm hoping not to visit the inside of a hospital again for a long, long time.
For no discernible reason, I am now completely enamored of jugs. Moonshine jug crock-type things. I love their shape, their earth colors, and their age. An ideal pairing with a luscious apple. 

If you have good health, cherish it. You never know.

Apple Meets Crock, Original oil, 10 X 8", unframed at the moment.........$525.00                

For Sale directly from Catherine Twomey at

"Strawberry Eggplant Locked" Original Oil

Original Oil by Catherine Twomey
Stawberry Eggplant Locked by C. Twomey
Having just returned from a workshop in Sedona, Arizona, I immediately started a painting that would highlight what I'd learned. The terrific instructor was Abbey Ryan. She was prepared, patient and thorough throughout the workshop, which lasted one week. We even were located very close to a 20,000 acre unconfined wildfire, but we continued undaunted.

What was most informative about the workshop was learning that the skills I'd developed over the last thirty years as a medical illustrator translate over to oil painting. What a joy to be able to control the paint, using layering and coloring to control the emotion and focus of the painting. Abbey helped me a great deal with how to use and hold the brush as well as how to logically work my way through a painting to achieve what I intended.

There is much to be said for devoting myself completely to art for a set amount of intensive time. I was surrounded by fellow artists all looking for inspiration and progress, and the support we willed to each other was amazing.

Tomorrow, June 10, this original oil will be offered for sale at auction

The painting is sold unframed. The image below shows how the painting may look if framed:

Original oil by Catherine Twomey

Thank you, and thank you Abbey!