Original oil painting in progress; this piece is 16” X 20” archival canvas on panel. It is such a joy to watch these glads spring from bulbs and gradually make their spectacular showing. I have now done reds, yellows and here are the pinks.
"Last Glad of the Season" by C. Twomey
5 X 10.5”, watercolor on Winsor & Newton #120 paper; Available HERE
Slowly recovering from some foot surgery. Got a good prognosis from the doctor on Thursday, but two more weeks of slow walking and elevating. In the meantime, the kids next door are getting ready for school and the garden is looking weary. This beautiful stalk popped up this week and I had to paint its portrait. I will miss the flowers, but the Black Eyed Susan’s are going strong.
“Rose And Water”, watercolor, 11 X 9”
A Rose For Your Thoughts...
Haven’t been able to paint much after having foot surgery July 30th. Third surgery on my left leg, and hopefully the last. I inherited some wayward bones that had to be put back in their place. All went well and hopefully going to get back into the swing of things soon.
Note: I have an added respect for people who have to use walkers to get around.
Thank You to the Collector of "Liquid Gladiolus" by C. Twomey
So grateful to the collector from Charlottesville, VA for their print purchase of "Liquid Gladiolus." This years crop of glads is just starting to form the flowers, but can't wait until they bloom for more painting sessions!
For your own print (the original is sold):https://fineartamerica.com/saleannouncement.html…
"Bass Pond 3" Auction!
Please click HERE to view the Auction, and bid!
"Bass Pond 3" original oil by Catherine Twomey.
Sample of how painting would look framed.
I painted this from life about two weeks ago. It was a quiet, lovely day. A friend and I stood at the Biltmore Boat House, looking out over the pond and imagining how it looked and felt to the Vanderbilts. This little island jutted out into the pond just in front of me and I loved the tree and leaf patterns.
The painting is 10H" X 8W" on archival linen board.
"Liquid Gladiolas" At Auction Today!
These just popped up in the garden, and now there is a whole row of them. Luscious, liquid oil painting on linen board, 8 X 10" and at auction:
"Liquid Gladiolas" by C. Twomey, ©2017
Enlargement of "Liquid Gladiolas"
Auction ending in one day!
"Rhododendron Portrait" by C. Twomey
From the garden, 6 X 8" linen on board. A striking display of assurance.