The original painting has been sold, but this work is now available as a print. Please check it out here:
"Lusitano Gallop" by Catherine Twomey Now On Offer!
This work is a combination of love for the horse and visualizing the energy within. Such a powerful, glorious, free creature! A full gallop is a sight to behold - and the exciting thing about this one is the sense of relaxation, of moving into the gait with confidence and strength. This Lusitano stallion signifies freedom - from the self-carriage in the neck and head to the graceful curvatures of the hind end. This original oil is on archival Arches oil paper and is unframed. To purchase:
DaVince Horses Revealed: Walk, Trot and Canter SOLD!
Thank you to the collector of the three DaVinci Horse Revealed prints: Walk, Trot & Canter! Greatly appreciate the support from Fairfax, VA. For additional prints:
New DaVinci Print and Artwork Available!
Order Prints Here:
Commissioned for the cover of the "United States Dressage Federation" magazine Connections, it was inspired by "The Vitruvian Man" by Leaonardo da Vinci circa 1487. This could be considered the "Canon of Proportions" for the horse performing the dressage movement piaffe. It is based on the correlations of ideal horse proportions with geometry. It exemplifies the blend of art and science during the Renaissance.
Winning painting/illustration of the American Horse Publications Annual Awards, First Place in Illustration for "Da Vinci Horse", 2007. This print shows an anatomically accurate transparent horse and skeleton.
All artwork is ©Catherine Twomey. This and all images in my shop may not be reproduced or resold without my permission. Thank you for your support!
Thank You To The Collector In Achim, Germany! "Da Vinci Horse In Piaffe" by C. Twomey
So grateful to the wonderful horse people in this world! Please visit:
Recently Sold - 2 Days Ago
Catherine Twomey sold a 24" x 36" print of da Vinci Horse in Piaffe.
da Vinci Horse in Piaffe
Commissioned for the cover of the "United States Dressage Federation" magazine Connections, it was inspired by "The Vitruvian Man" by Leaonardo da Vinci circa 1487. This could be considered the "Canon of Proportions" for the horse performing the dressage movement piaffe. It is based on the correlations of ideal horse proportions with geometry. It exemplifies the blend of art and science during the Renaissance.
Winning painting/illustration of the American Horse Publications Annual Awards, First Place in Illustration for "Da Vinci Horse", 2007. This print shows an anatomically accurate transparent horse and skeleton.
“For The Love of Horses: Lippizan 1” 12X12”, framed in gold wood frame with linen inset.
"For The Love Of Horses, Lippizan 1" Original Art Offered
It's that time of year when I can't ride. Aside from the cold and snow, I have to have foot surgery so riding is out of the question. I was one of those kids who loved horses from the moment I could breath.
So if I can't ride right now, I'm going to paint them. I've spent a lot of time at Temple Farms in Wadsworth, IL. When Lippizans were almost wiped out in World War II, a herd was moved to the U.S. and this is where they now live, reproduce and perform. The riders are fantastic, the horses breathtaking in their airs-above-the-ground. This is a portrait from a Sunday performance.
"The Instinctive Pirouette" C.Twomey Original Painting
Original 12X12” acrylic on stretched canvas. For sale, make an offer! This is a lippizan stallion performing at Temple Farms in Wadsworth, Il. It is a work in hand dressage movement training the horse to use it’s hindquarters.
Classic Equestrian/Horse Prints by C. Twomey
The lowest pricing of the year on these award-winning prints:
“Walk, Trot, Canter: The Horses Gaits Revealed”
Thank you to the collector who recently purchased all three, walk, trot and canter!
Horse/Equine Prints On Sale NOW!
Thank you to the collector who just purchased a large scale print!
For a limited time only, a once a year SALE is on for award winning equestrian prints. This series is beautiful, accurate and perfect for the animal lover.
Please visit:
Award Winning Prints by C. Twomey On Sale Now!
For a limited time only, find remarkable sale prices on my award winning (United States Dressage Foundation) DaVinci Series Equine Prints! And, this weekend only, FREE SHIPPING! Visit:
Thank you for your interest!
Annual Equestrian Print Sale in on Now!
NOW is the time to purchase these extraordinary, award winning, accurate equestrian prints. Please click:
to take advantage of the annual discount. For more information about the artist, please click:
Thank you for your interest.
"DaVinci Horse Canter" by C. Twomey, enlargement
Donating Instead of Gifting: A Great Idea!
Donating Instead of Gifting: A Great Idea!
This year, instead of giving each other things we no longer need or want, my family has decided to donate to causes we believe in.
This holiday season, I've donated to:
The American Brain Foundation
The Reporter's Committee for Freedom of the Press
Hope's Legacy Equine Rescue
Good causes, every one of them. And a huge thank you to those who have purchased my art so I could donate to Hopes Legacy Equine Rescue. It's nice to feel optimistic again about the world.
"Hope's Legacy Equine Rescue" Print Sale Fundraising!
Having now sold seven prints from "The Horse's Gaits Revealed" series, I will donate sale proceeds from now until Dec. 25 to Hope's Legacy Equine Rescue, Inc. (
They need to raise $1,000,000 for their new barn, fencing, land purchase, etc. by 12/17. Thank you to everyone who's purchased and plans to at: or
A Triptych Sale of Prints by C. Twomey
Three prints (triptych) of Walk, Trot and Canter by Catherine Twomey
Please visit:
to purchase prints in a variety of sizes and combinations.
15% Discount on C. Twomey Prints
For a limited time only, take at 15% discount on my prints at Fine Art America. Use the code:
and follow this link:…
The Buyer: "I love it! It's exactly what I wanted" Horse print by C. Twomey
Print sold last night on, "WTC: Walk, Trot and Canter, The Horse's Gaits Revealed" by C. Twomey ©2016.
"WTC: Walk, Trot and Canter the Horse's Gaits Revealed" by C. Twomey ©2016
To place an order, click:
The Horse's Canter Revealed by C. Twomey ©2016
Gifting? Equine Art Price Increase after 10.31.16
Please note that the current low (low) pricing for the series of DaVinci Horse prints by C. Twomey will be increasing after October 31, 2016. To place an order, click:
Jefferson Cup, Tomato, Rocks and Me
Still Living Momentarily
Just posted this image up for sale in my Shop. Maybe a play on words & images, but it is a time for reflection.
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted and loved horses. There was no family equine history; no ponies for birthdays - just an intense desire to learn and love them. My mom would always tell people she had no idea where I came up with the addiction. My dad would tell me I could get a horse when we quit paying taxes (!).
Many people think that those who have horses are wealthy. In some quarters, this may be true, but most horse people I've known over the last 30 years put all of their hard-earned time, love, energy and money into their equine passion. I've been one of those people. It hasn't been easy as I started later than most and had to learn thru thick or thin.
Over the years I've been lucky enough to own three horses and lease one. They were all wonderful, each with their own strengths and personality who never stopped giving no matter what I asked.
I am now horseless, in a new albeit very horsey state. I thought I would immediately pick up where I had left off with those magnificent animals. Odd thing, though, is: the thrill seems to be gone.
It's a hell of a sport. It's dangerous, expensive, time consuming and for the young. I have known two people who've been killed, two who were paralyzed from the neck down and countless friends that have been kicked, bitten, stomped on, run away with and so on
At the same time, I've gained confidence, extraordinary balance, soft & kind hands, good horsey friends and the intense unconditional love only an animal can give a human.
It feels like time for a break. Or possibly a recognition that how I felt once can change; or subliminal denial has finally been allowed to surface front and center.
What I do notice most, however, is a sense of relief at having more time and energy to create. Here goes.
Helping The Neighbors
Take A Look!!! Final shipping days SALE!!!
Sampling of Original, Framed Oils for Sale! |