High chroma vs. low chroma - I've deviated from my standard, higher chroma palette to introduce earth colors. A revelation! The top painting was a struggle to knock back the bright colors and took twice as long to do. The lower painting was eye-opening: I discovered colors I never would have otherwise found in half the time. I LOVE Terra Rosa! Anyway, so much excitement for one session; so little time.
catherine twomey art
New DaVinci Print and Artwork Available!
Order Prints Here:
Commissioned for the cover of the "United States Dressage Federation" magazine Connections, it was inspired by "The Vitruvian Man" by Leaonardo da Vinci circa 1487. This could be considered the "Canon of Proportions" for the horse performing the dressage movement piaffe. It is based on the correlations of ideal horse proportions with geometry. It exemplifies the blend of art and science during the Renaissance.
Winning painting/illustration of the American Horse Publications Annual Awards, First Place in Illustration for "Da Vinci Horse", 2007. This print shows an anatomically accurate transparent horse and skeleton.
All artwork is ©Catherine Twomey. This and all images in my shop may not be reproduced or resold without my permission. Thank you for your support!
SOLD to Collector From Aurora, Colorado - Thanks!
Early fall view of the famous Barboursville Vineyards in Barboursville, VA. Rows of ripe vines flow into the Blue Ridge mountains. This was a plein air painting that took a couple of tries to get it where I liked it. Now featured on the inside and back cover of "Wine & Country Weddings" magazine by Ivy Publications.
To purchase this and other prints:
To purchase original art:
Asheville Art Museum Virtual Auction 11/14/20
Coming soon! The Virtual Art Auction at the Asheville Art Museum! Keep an eye on this blog to bid for one (or all) of the following original artworks:
You are invited to participate in the November 14 Virtual Auction for the Asheville Art Museum. The above four pieces will be in the auction, so check back here for upcoming links and information, coming soon.
Thanks for your interest!
"Bass Pond White Lily" offered by C. Twomey
I visit these lily pads about once a week. Every time I pass by I have to stop and wish them well. I was so struck by this single white lily, glorious in its simplicity and contrasted by the brilliant greens of the surrounding pads.
Imagine the height of the summer. The crickets are rubbing their wings together, providing a chorus to your wanderings through steep hills and low ponds. This grouping made me pause - I saw the varied personalities of each lily pad, highlighted by the one bright white blossom. The copper undersides of the pads were in striking contrast to the cool greens. I now understand what Monet was drawn to; these were incredibly beautiful and evocative.
Fall is approaching and I'm certain these will hibernate soon enough, but they'll hold me through the winter.
This painting is on gallery wrapped canvas with a 1.5" painted border and is wired and ready to hang.
Available here: https://www.catherinetwomey.com/available
When The Pandemic Is Just Too Much....
When the pandemic gets me down, these are the moments I turn to - Plein air painting in Yosemite about five years ago. Hiked up to that ledge where there were still snow remnants in June. That slope was so steep that one slip or dropped brush was over the side with a 100 or 200' drop. Worth it tho - look at Yosemite Falls back there! Thinking of California burning and overheated today and hoping when this misery ends, we will save the earth. It's worth it.
"White On White" Oil Offered by Catherine Twomey
My new garden has brought a wealth of unique and beautiful plants. The gladiolus did not perform for three years, but the wait was so worth it. This year, the second I saw these white glads, I had to paint them. I tended to them and, knowing I'd only have a few days to paint them before they faded. What greater challenge than to place them against a white board to capture the shadows and highlights? This spring, while COVID reigns, it's been rainy and quite hot. The gladiolus are now six feet tall and stretch to the sun! Most glorious of all, however, was the flowers. At the height of their glory, they reached to the sun on a lovely spring morning as I moved to not overdo them, but capture their life and brilliance using color, value and marks. Their spontaneity was a challenge, but well worth the wait. This is an oil painting that is painted on archival, Ray Mar art board. It is 8 X 16" - perfect for that unique area in your home or office that begs for new life.
SOLD! "Blue Door St. Augustine" by Catherine Twomey
Thanks so much to the collector of this original art! It was a painting done with appreciation for the history and lovely blue shades against the red. Hope you enjoy it in Munich, Germany!
Large Scan Image of "Dogwood Herd" Now Available!
I had some requests for larger prints of "Dogwood Herd" so I rescanned at a higher resolution, uploaded and prepped the following image. Thanks so much for your interest. Find high quality large prints here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/dogwood-herd-catherine-twomey.html?newartwork=true
SOLD "Buck Mountain Vineyard" by Catherine Twomey
Thank you to the buyer from Washington, DC for your purchase of "Buck Mountain Vineyards". The original was sold a while ago, but prints can still be purchased at:
I am profoundly grateful that during these disturbing times, people are taking the time to look at and purchase art.
Just Sold: "Vermont Autumn Light" by C. Twomey
Very happy to have sold a print of this piece:
Thanks so much to the wonderful collector in Melbourne for making my day!
“Saw Mill Hill Road” sold to collector in Australia
"Saw Mill Hill Road" Sold To Melbourne Collector
Very grateful to the Melbourne, Australia collector who purchased this work. A lovely walk down Sawmill Road in Rochester, Vermont had me pulling the paints out. A warm, unforgettable fall day, and yes, that yellow tree was really that yellow.
For additional prints and information:
"Emporium Gallery" Exhibition, Knoxville, TN
Honored to have two of my pieces juried into the Emporium Gallery National Juried Show in Knoxville, TN. Only 50 pieces were selected out of hundreds.
“Blue Marble Earth No. 5” by C. Twomey, 12 x 12” on canvas
Juried into "National Juried Show" in Knoxville!
Excited to have been curated in to the "National Juried Show" in Knoxville by Jordan Ahlers of Momentum Gallery. Honored and looking forward to the show!
Additional information:
SOLD - "The Gulf and Old Pier" by C. Twomey
Painted this about a year ago at the south end of Anna Marie Island, Florida. Loved all the people coming by to make friends, comment and enjoy the sun. The clouds were so dramatic and beautiful that day. And that green in the surf: incredible.
Please note, my prints are 30% off at this link:
Happy Holidays!
Prints Annual Discount! 30% off; Catherine Twomey Art
For the next two weeks, prints are offered at 30% off. Visit this link to order, and thanks for your interest:
30% Off PRINTS Sale by C. Twomey
ANNUAL SALE, two weeks ONLY! All prints 30% off - a huge savings.