oil paintings

A Successful Tour! Thank You!

Thanks to so many who came to see my art on Saturday. It was wonderful to talk art, and it amazed me how much people knew and cared about. 

I have been asked to show again at Mud Dauber Pottery in Earlysville, VA and am working on getting into another show at a downtown gallery.

Your support is priceless and irreplaceable. Thank you.

The following pieces have found new homes:

Buck Mountain Vineyard No. 2

Oil by Twomey
Earlysville General Store No. 3

Ceramic Horse Head

Ceramic Giraffe

East Fall Blue Ridge No. 3

Pear Portrait

Buck Mountain Vineyard No. 1

Settin' On The Pier: Key West

Artisan's Studio Tour Mud Dauber, Earlysville VA

Twomey Oil Painting of Old Library Building
Free Union Library

Today's the day of the Artisan's Studio Tour here in the Charlottesville, VA area. It's going to be a GORGEOUS fall day, and I've added some new paintings to my one-person show up in Earlysville a Suzanne Crane's Mud Dauber Pottery. Grab some friends and tour the absolutely stunning countryside of Virginia while visiting artist's studios and enjoying appetizers and drinks. What better way to spend the day? 

I loved this old library/residence in Free Union, VA, established 1781. It's very near the Country School, and the touch of fall was evident in the light and colors. Free Union and the northern Albemarle area has some deep history, with many of the original buildings remaining.

Artisan's Studio Tour: Earlysville, VA

Hope you can make it to the Artisan's Studio Tour which is coming up November 10 - 11. 

Studio Four, Mud Dauber Pottery will have my paintings on display, with some new paintings including the following:

Preddy Creek, Albemarle, Va, by Catherine Twomey
Preddy Creek Albemarle Residents
The tour is a lot of fun and gives you the opportunity to meet the artists as well as see them at work. You can also buy quality crafted work, support local businesses and enjoy food and drinks, all at the same time!

One Person Show Oct. 13 thru the 2012 Holidays

I'm excited to announce the following:

We are still working out the opening times, but I'll update soon. I've spent much of the summer out and about the beautiful area where I live, Earlysville, Virginia, painting the old farms, service stations, white oak trees, etc., and this is the culmination of that effort.

Suzanne Crane is an exquisite potter and owner of Mud Dauber Pottery. She has generously agreed to host my original oil paintings in her large studio. The works will be available for viewing through the Christmas Holidays.

Hope you can make it!

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