
Arts Rivanna Tour - Please Join Us!

Oil on linen by C. Twomey
Bleak House Barn No.6, 4x6", oil on linen board

I'm taking part in an upcoming studio tour, so hope you can join us!:

A R T S  R I V A N N A  T O U R : 
September 13th & 20th, 2014; 10 am - 5 pm

Contact: Judith Townsend

Start the Tour here: 3023 Colonial Drive, Earlysville 22936
Take 29 North; turn right on Route 649 (Proffit Rd.);
go one-half mile; turn right on Colonial Dr. 
to 3023 Colonial Drive, Earlysville

Planning 2014; Sheep Cloud Mountains

Oil Painting of the Blue Ridge Mountains
Blue Ridge Blue Skyline Sheep Cloud

Above, 5" X 7" oil on linen board; painted live along Skyline Drive in the Piedmont Area of Virginia, in Shenandoah National Park. Made me feel like an angel as the warm summer breezes overcame my easel and me. I loved the patterns; the repetition of shapes and most of all, the color of these mountains. See the sheep cloud to the upper right? My eye finally found him after I thought I was done, but he's welcome to stay.
Today: an auspicious start to the New Year 2014, Year of the Horse, spent meeting a lovely group of fellow artists. We're planning an upcoming Studio Tour for northern Albemarle County, north of Charlottesville, for either the spring or the fall. Cannot wait to get to know such an inspiring group of fellow artists, including watercolorists, painters, weavers, art manufacturers and more.

Spring Snow Storm Yellow Barn

Catherine Twomey, Wakefield Farm Plantation
Wakefield Farm Spring Snow Storm and the Yellow Barn
A heavy late winter storm in Earlysville, near Charlottesville, Virginia. This is a very old (1781) barn at Wakefield Farms. I loved the way I could see through the barn window to another very old structure. The trees were bending every which way, but by the end of the day most of it melted.

Interested in prints of this work? Please visit here.

Artisan's Studio Tour: Earlysville, VA

Hope you can make it to the Artisan's Studio Tour which is coming up November 10 - 11. 

Studio Four, Mud Dauber Pottery will have my paintings on display, with some new paintings including the following:

Preddy Creek, Albemarle, Va, by Catherine Twomey
Preddy Creek Albemarle Residents
The tour is a lot of fun and gives you the opportunity to meet the artists as well as see them at work. You can also buy quality crafted work, support local businesses and enjoy food and drinks, all at the same time!

Vineyard on Buck Mountain Road in Virginia

Twomey's Vineyard on Buck Mountain Road.
Vineyard Along Buck Mountain Road, Earlysville. Virginia
Driving along Buck Mountain Road as the sun was starting to head down, I suddenly pulled off the road when I saw this sight. The most stunning view of the day - the vineyard, the vines, the farrows, the mist in the Blue Ridge mountain valley's, the way the sun blasted the foliage. 

No wonder I love this place - this landscape view is about five minutes from my house and has brought me great peace and happiness.

This original oil is going to be available at my upcoming show Twomey One Person Show Earlysville.

Would love to meet and talk!!

Power Back UP!

He's finished! Lookin' happy and good, your typical hound dog.

  • We have power!!! It's been out since Friday night, making for a very long, hot, basically incommunicado four days. Lots of time spent at Starbucks & Panera. We really got hit by the derecho (straight line) storm, and so did lots of people, trees, homes and power lines. There are still over one million people without electricity, and it's 95 today.
  • The best thing I could do with time on my hands was finish the SPCA hound dog for the "Dogs and Cats Around Town" event, so I did! There is Chance the Hound above. On Friday afternoon we're taking him to the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, where there's going to be a big kick-off for all 18 dog and cat statues at 5:00 pm at the Freedom Wall. Everyone's invited so come on down!
  • Hope everyone else is well and staying cool. It's great to be back!

Dogs & Cats Around Town Auction

Working on the dog design for the Charlottesville Area SPCA Dogs and Cats Around Town auction in the fall. I kinda like this one.

This pup is going to stand in front of The Happy Cook at Barracks road in Charolottesville, VA for three months before the auction. These are the colors found on some of their plates that I just loved. 

Input welcomed.

SPCA Charity Auction: Dog Name?

-  Up for a challenge? I am taking part in a fundraiser for the SPCA. They've asked me to use my artistry to paint this large cement hound to be auctioned off in the fall.

- Until then, after it's finished being painted it will stand in front of the Happy Cook on Rt. 29 in Charlottesville.

But I need a name!!! By tomorrow!! I was going to name her Lady or Queenie, but she's a boy!!! Being a Board Certified Medical Illustrator, I can recognize these things. Anyway, suggestions welcome, in the name of fun and animal charity!!!

- Oh, and I'm not painting the real, very nosy pup behind the statue; that's Moxey.

- Charity: CASPCA; Charlottesville Area Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

- Auction: "Dogs and Cats Around Town"

- CASPCA contactc: Cynthia Viejo