I have a difficult time letting go of the garden phases as it moves through the season. Taking sweet williams, delphiniums, ferns, and more, I took a life print of blossoms and leaves, mono printing them until the composition worked. I then enhanced the printing in areas where the textures didn't transfer. Now they will live much longer than the garden allows. 12" X 12", inks, acrylics on paper.
What a year! I remember talking to my sis in February; wondering if we were going to have to cancel a trip to Scotland due to some strange virus. Well, we did, like everyone else. In the meantime, however, we learned to live with it and I painted and sold more paintings than I ever have - along the way finding that I'm pretty much a contemporary Impressionist-type painter. That alone was worth it! Thanks to everyone for your support, your kindness and here's to hoping 2021 is a banner year in so many ways.
2020 Summary and Goodbye; Good Riddance!
Last Sale Day TODAY, Monday, 12/7
Please note! Today is the last day of my original art sale. Thank you SO MUCH to the collectors who've already purchased work. Here's the link, shop 'til you drop and Happy Holidays!: https://www.catherinetwomey.com/available
Original Art Sale 25% Off ONLY Until 12/7/20!
ONLY Monday, December 7, 2020 - 25% off original artwork sale:
Thank you so much for your support this year! It’s been,, well, pandemicky.
16 X 20”, oil on canvas
"Gladiolus and Echinacea; The Garden" by C. Twomey, Now Available
These coneflowers (echinacea) and gladiolus popped up in my front yard, discovered the summer of 2016 after moving into my new home. Fertilization and care caused them to burst with color and height in the summer. I "planted" myself and my easel with canvas in the midst of them. As I spent hours painting, several neighbors wandered by to watch and talk, making for a lovely painting session. Bees and bugs hummed around me as I painted, but they, fortunately, were oblivious to my presence as they frittered from bud to bud. It was like being unseen in the jungle, inspired by the extraordinary beauty and peace of the day.
Enjoying The Summer: Gladiolus & Echinacea, Work In Progress
Original oil, 18 X 24” on RayMar archival board, in progress
Days like today are difficult to match. I hunkered down right in my front yard, amidst the flowers, bees and various critters (including interested neighbors!). Thank goodness for the umbrella! I’ve been waiting for these flowers since spring, and they’ve gained twice their size since last summer. Nothing like a little fertilizer to make for happy plants. I’ll post the final when I’m finished.