
Retinal detachment, Twomey.

Although I don't create medical illustrations as much as I once did, this week my work has been featured by Scientific America on their blog:

Symbiartic SciArt

Symbiartic - the Scientific American science+art blog. 
This week only, a #SciArt TweetStorm is ongoing. As a scientific illustrator you are invited to tweet 3 pieces of your art every day. Thousands upon thousands of images have been tweeted; this image has been favored by #SciArt.
What an honor! I posted work I completed for a charity, Orbis, who works with children with common eye problems in South Africa.

Sneak Preview, Equine Sculpture

Here is a first preview of a sculpture (equine ecorche) in the planning stages. It's been a long time coming, but finally the timing is right. I've worked out the skeletal system, cervical region. I've studied the muscles, origins and insertions as well as the proper bend at the poll. Yes, this is going to be the "This is how your horse should look" sculpture, the first in a series comparing correct versus incorrect riding. It is very exciting to finally have arrived here, and I've got a sample of the porcelain I'll think I'll be working in.

At the moment, the other side of the head and neck will be aesthetically realistic. I'm thinking this will be the size of a bookend, and can be used as a teaching tool and/or as art. Cannot wait to get sculpting!

New Page Added: Medical Illustration and Communications

Pediatric medical education for nurses in South Africa: Ocular Diseases, Astigmatism

If you have a moment, please feel free to take a look at samples of my medical illustration and communications work:

