
New Page Added: Medical Illustration and Communications

Pediatric medical education for nurses in South Africa: Ocular Diseases, Astigmatism

If you have a moment, please feel free to take a look at samples of my medical illustration and communications work:



Exhibition of Medical Illustration

Medical Illustration by Anita Impagliazzo

 A very talented medical illustrator friend, Anita Impagliazzo, is headlining a show of her wonderful illustration work at St. Catherine's school in Richmond VA. The Mullen Hall science building first floor is filled with Anita's fantastic work in the new state-of-the art science center for high school girls. I am honored to be represented in the exhibition (2nd floor atrium) along with my peers from MediVisuals (Richmond) as well as several other independent biocommunicators.

Medical Illustration by Catherine Twomey