Soon to appear on the cover of Select Traveler magazine: "Buck Mountain Vineyards and Blue Ridge Mountains."
For prints:
art sold
Soon to appear on the cover of Select Traveler magazine: "Buck Mountain Vineyards and Blue Ridge Mountains."
For prints:
SO THANKFUL to the Colorado collector of “East Fall Blue Ridge 3.0” print from:
and on my B-Day, no less. Really appreciative! Kind of makes up for the fact that it’s been pouring all day.
I am so grateful to the collector of this work from my Manifesto Series, entitled “"Manifesto 5.0: The Gulf, Sarasota" which is going to a new home in California. To view additional original art, please visit:
and to purchase prints, visit:
Happy Holidays to all.
“Thomas Jefferson's White Oak Tree On The Way To James Madison's For Afternoon Tea” sold to a collector, with much appreciation from the artist! This gorgeous white tulip tree is just west of Rt. 29 in Charlottesville, VA. It’s a stunning, old beauty that I well imagined Jefferson admiring on the way to Madison’s estate back in the day. The original is 12X24”, oil on gessoboard. For additional prints:
“ Manifesto 2.0 Molten Kilauea Lava and Earth”, acrylic
Very grateful for the collector of this piece, which is a pour/liquid acrylic with copper and gold. Please visit my “Available” works for additional items: