thomas jefferson

Working BIG on this ancient Virginia White Oak

Viginia White Oak, 12 X 24", oil on gessoed birch

Gosh am I having a good time lately. I am loving finally getting to paint this rather famous white oak tree in Earlysville, VA. I pass it almost daily and it's really gotten to me over the years. I only paint what I have great fondness for, and this is one of those things. Rumor has it it's well over 200 years old, and that Thomas Jefferson noted it when he'd pass it on the way to visit James Madison's home at Montpelier

I've learned that what's really unique about this particular species of oak is the tulip-shaped trunk. It's very wide at the base and narrows rather quickly, hence the "tulip shape." I hope it lives forever.

I spent a lovely morning photographing and sketching it and have been just itching to do this. This is the first LARGE (for me) painting I've done in years, and it's a welcome change. Going to keep going on this about 3/4 finished piece to finish before I hit the road for California then New York City next week.