
"In The Master's Hand" Oil on Canvas

In Hand Dressage With The Young Horse
In The Master's Hand
Been working diligently on this commissioned piece, and starting to get it to the stage where I'm satisfied. The light has been a challenge but I'm starting to like the warmest color on the horse's hind end, as well as the tail highlights. I've also emphasized the little "flip" at the bottom of the tail that emphasizes the cadence of this dressage movement.

I love the attempts by this young warmblood gelding to piaffe by lifting his left hind as high as his right front foot. That, and the fact that the trainer patiently waits for the response to his aids. There is nothing quick and easy about dressage, but patience certainly helps and this image shows that.

Piaffe in Hand

Catherine Twomey Original Art
Piaffe in Hand
Since late August, my family has been in unexpected, unwanted yet very instructive crisis. My husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer while being checked for a minor intestinal upset. That led to surgery, which was unbelievably successful, and now a peaceful recovery.

In the meantime, I have been working on this commission of a master German dressage teacher in the initial stages of teaching a gorgeous warmblood to piaffe. I love the intimacy between the two as well as the light cast over the hard working pair. This work was a wonderful distraction during a very difficult time.

I am slowly coming to some conclusions and insights about what we just went thru, but that will make a later blog post. For now, I hope you enjoy this painting and the mysterious connection between humans and animals.