
Sunflowers Work In Progress by C. Twomey


16 X 20”, watercolor on illustration board.

Work In Progress, Sunflowers coming along. It is definitely the Dog Days of August, and unfortunately I can’t walk without a walker yet. Surgery is hard! The foot is healing well, however, and I’ve gotten a lot of delightful gifts for recovery. These sunflowers were just so yellow, so alive, I had to paint them. Watercolor seemed the best way to go since i can’t climb stairs to my studio. I’ll continue to post updates to this challenging work.

Holiday Sale, Original Art, Award Winning

Now is the time to purchase original art by Catherine Twomey, including this plein air watercolor painted on the Tamales Trail at Point Reyes, CA in August. Reduced to $75 for a limited time only. The painting is unframed and about 11X7”.

Purchase here: https://www.catherinetwomey.com/new-products-3/at2ehgvnes8270cmkobiuxq82z9le9


Recent Article About My Work

Had a nice write-up on emptyeasel.com - glad to have found it and grateful for the thoughtful prose: 


Catherine Twomey: Diverse Paintings in Oil & Watercolor

Catherine Twomey’s artwork depicts who she is at the moment, and the fact of the matter is her interests are ever changing. So, it makes sense that her artwork spans from still life to landscapes to animal portraits—and then some!


Dreaming Beyond Cancer

Watercolor by Catherine Twomey
Dreaming Ocean

I had to get out the paints this morning to get down a dream vision. What a contrast my dreams have been lately to those before September 18, when kidney cancer was still a part of my husband's body. From dark and unsettling to calm, beautiful, light and well, dreamy - I much prefer the most recent dreams.

This is a watercolor on Arches watercolor paper. The swelling wave behind the breaking one brings an anticipatory tension to the seascape. It's difficult to describe the sense of relief we carry today, and how previously "critical" problems have been minimized.

Yosemite Merced River Wild

Watercolor by Catherine Twomey • All Rights Reserved
Yosemite Merced River Wild
Plein air watercolor painting of the Merced River in Yosemite by Catherine Twomey, 2011. Sat almost too closely on the banks to paint this. The river's pounding torrent was deafening. The hiking path had actually been washed out. 

This was the year of overflow snow and subsequent water in Yosemite, when over 14 people lost their lives trying to cross the river and falls like this one. Bear was in the air.