The people who may be interested in this post understand why I’m posting it.
For about a decade, when I was working full-time as a medical illustrator, I had a client that believed in working for good causes that coincided with my beliefs. As an independent contractor part of their team, I worked at a significantly reduced rate for a charity in New York, To better understand their mission:
“Imagine losing your sight in one of the poorest regions in the world. Where would you turn for help? With few quality eye doctors, hospitals or clinics, your chances of getting the right kind of care are small. As your sight gets worse, your chances of getting an education or earning a steady income begin to fade away…With your help and the support of our amazing volunteers, we can not only give people their sight back today, but help change the quality of ophthalmologists and build a lasting legacy of quality eye care that will ensure no one goes needlessly blind tomorrow.”
As a part of this effort, I created a large number of medical illustrations showing eye pathologies, including the ones shown here, which were distributed throughout clinics in South Africa. On my own dime, I few to South Africa to visit clinics to understand whether or not the work I was doing was being effective. The poverty and need I saw was overwhelming.
This is called giving back. It is most definitely not racism. I haven’t written about this until now, but now it needs to be heard. Thank you for your interest, and if you have the means, this is a very worthwhile charity.
south africa
Away From The Herd
There's A Lot To Be Thankful For….
Out of Africa
Zebra, Sabi Sands Game Reserve Safari |
Back from weeks in Cape Town and two safaris in Sabi Sands and Timbavati game reserves near Kruger National Park. Just starting to get my rhythm back, and still somewhat jet lagged. What an experience.
Of course, I start with a horse's close relative, the zebra, and I met lots of them. And lions, leopards, hyenas, warthogs, elephants, Cape buffalo, wild dogs, baboons, and on and on. Never got to meet so many animals, in their world, with no barriers between us and them.
I tried to paint in the field, but that proved to be too challenging most of the time. Have tons of reference photos, however, so much more to come.
I've already started on a clay sculpture of a giraffe, and hope to continue in the sculptural vein for a while.
Baby Camouflaged Giraffe |
Thrilled for the chance to go, but SO MUCH more appreciative of what I have and what the USA is.
Africa Here I Come
Chicago Bound
Taking a much needed break to sweet old home, Chicago tomorrow until next week. The fort is being held down by two attack dogs and two attack guys.
Going to meet some new friends, and see some I've known for 40+ years. With my mother in hospice, it's time for reflection on the old home turf, seeing & hopping on my retired thoroughbred, hugging some good people, and basically getting off the grid. Well, maybe.
Just finished up this illustration of Retinopathy of Prematurity for the charitable African flip chart to be used by South African nurses in the field.
Can't wait to know when this project is being used in South Africa, in the Province of Kwazulu-Natal. Talk about feeling like I'm contributing some good to the world! It's a great feeling.
Keep drawing!