solar system

"Revolution" On Offer, The Village Gallery, Oriental, NC

“Revolution”, 30”X30” on polycotton over aluminum panel, framed. Come by The Village Gallery in Oriental or take a look here:

The constantly in flux earth, shown with varied and dynamic weather patterns over the global surface. I grew up exploring real globes - the kind you can spin and touch. The earth's revolutions as well as the revolutions of storm systems all at the same moment kept me enthralled. So much of the earth being made up of that stunning teal water and how it influences our climate, all while hurdling through space - complexity beyond my ability to grasp it all.

"Sea Leveling" A Siren Call

“Sea Leveling” 24 X 36”, archival Artefex Panel and Golden Pigments

I wonder what the moon things of our earthly pursuits? It’s easy to envision the moon’s view of the earth: beautiful, other-wordly, spinning. Look closer, however, and there are changes to see: the seas rising, shorelines changing, existential threats to life on earth. This is a siren call to look far beyond the gorgeous planet, understand what’s happening and then do something.