Thank you to the Center for Humans and Nature ( for the unexpected award for six of my works to be published in 2023! What a terrific way to start the New Year! Citation: A version of ‘Accelerating’ first appeared in a
publication of the Center for Humans and Nature Press and is revised and
reprinted here with permission of the Center for Humans and Nature Press.
solar system
"Sea Leveling" by Catherine Twomey Through ERA Contemporary Gallery
Thank you to ERA Contemporary Gallery in Philadelphia, PA for featuring my painting: "Sea Leveling" - now on offer. Check it out:
A Milestone Sale: "Blue Ridge Cloud Shadows" by Catherine Twomey
In so many ways, this was a breakthrough painting and has meant so much to me. But the original has found its home and I'm thrilled! In its Provenance, it was chosen by Target for their worldwide in-home collection; it will always be in my heart. "Blue Ridge Cloud Shadows"; made with love and a confidence I never knew I had. Additional prints are available on my Etsy store at CatherineTwomeyArt.
"Revolution" On Offer, The Village Gallery, Oriental, NC
“Revolution”, 30”X30” on polycotton over aluminum panel, framed. Come by The Village Gallery in Oriental or take a look here:
The constantly in flux earth, shown with varied and dynamic weather patterns over the global surface. I grew up exploring real globes - the kind you can spin and touch. The earth's revolutions as well as the revolutions of storm systems all at the same moment kept me enthralled. So much of the earth being made up of that stunning teal water and how it influences our climate, all while hurdling through space - complexity beyond my ability to grasp it all.
"Mediterrania" by C. Twomey
12” X 12” on canvas, professionally framed.
I am well aware that the United States is not at the center of the universe. This is my tribute to the European, African, Middle East and so on nations; all of us, together - not one superior to another.
My understanding is that fifty years ago, when the Apollo astronauts looked back at the earth from the moon, they were profoundly struck by the beauty of the tiny, fragile, blue planet earth. And so it was.
Whenever gazing at the stars and planets, I too am awed by the enormity and depth of the sky. I've heard some people feel anxiety when looking at the night sky; I'm the opposite. It brings pe
"Sea Leveling" A Siren Call
“Sea Leveling” 24 X 36”, archival Artefex Panel and Golden Pigments
I wonder what the moon things of our earthly pursuits? It’s easy to envision the moon’s view of the earth: beautiful, other-wordly, spinning. Look closer, however, and there are changes to see: the seas rising, shorelines changing, existential threats to life on earth. This is a siren call to look far beyond the gorgeous planet, understand what’s happening and then do something.
8 X 16”, unframed on Ray Mar archival canvas and board.
"Nebula 2019" by C. Twomey
It's definitely fall now - we're going to get a frost tonight. In advance of fall, I hate the thought of it. The lower temperatures, the dark - but once it's actually fall, it's spectacular. The bugs are gone, the sky is an incredible cerulean blue - and the nights; so crisp.
This painting is about the nights. I can look up at the sky and sense the universe; the stars, the planets and the enormity of it all. This nebula, or an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases, hovers in the sky with the richest of colors and blues.
So fall is inevitable. I've learned to embrace it, and this is an example of that.
"Occupy Mars I.0" by C. Twomey
12 X 12”, acrylic and oil, on stretched canvas.
It’s no secret i’m fascinated with the solar system, and the planets, and the thought of living beyond earth. I can’t afford to hop on with Elon Musk, but I can dream, can’t I? I worked with High Flow Acrylics for this painting and a magic potion of ingredients. I loved the way the colors held up despite the large amount of swirling and surface to cover. So, will we occupy Mars? We’ll see.
This will be offered for sale soon.
12 X 12 X 1”, acrylic and oil on canvas.
Now On Offer: "Manifesto 1.0: Blue Marble Earth, Europe, Africa et al
12X12” on canvas, oil and acrylic, will be offered for sale soon.
Manifesto 1.0: Blue Marble Earth Europe Africa et al
Do you remember the Apollo missions? The day Armstrong stepped on the moon? Clear as a bell - I do, and those days were full of possibilities. We can get back there. “Manifesto series: Europe, Africa and the other side of the world.”
Sold: "Blue Marble Earth No. 2" by C. Twomey
So grateful to the French collector! This piece is from the Manifesto Series. I am deeply moved by natural earth forces, and I started this series with a new approach to applying fluid paint to landscapes. It’s become more entrenched then that, with a look at the primordial forces beneath the mountains, trees and oceans. It’s a consideration of the fact that humans can’t control everything, but that we can affect the earth in a profound way.
I am represented by Singulart in Paris, France. Please visit my profile here:
Have a reflective day.
"The Edge of the Earth" by C. Twomey
12 X 12” on archival canvas
Took a break from my contemporary realism painting retreat to create this Manifesto Series piece. “The Edge of the Earth” is just that; a commentary on whether we are on the earth’s edge, or not. I plan to finish this up when I get home soon.