kathleen carroll

Kathleen Carroll at the UN Security Council

Kathleen Carroll (my sister-in-law) briefed the United Nations Security Council on the protection of journalists yesterday. I have seen and been very moved by the AP Wall of Honor which shows those who have given their lives while on assignment, often being ambushed, tortured and shot. Written with some editing help from my brother Steve Twomey:

TV Alert: AP Executive Editor on Morning Joe Tuesday

TV ALERT! My sister in law, Kathleen Carroll: The Executive Editor of the Associated Press will appear on "Morning Joe" tomorrow to discuss today's revelation that your government secretly obtained the phone records of the AP (http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/under-sweeping-subpoenas-justice-department-obtained-ap-phone-records-in-leak-investigation/2013/05/13/11d1bb82-bc11-11e2-89c9-3be8095fe767_story.html) in what will surely go down as one of the most chilling, anti-First Amendment acts in the history of the republic.

The time? Well, we're not sure. She could be on at 6 a.m. She could be on at 8 a.m. I'm setting up to record no matter what time.