julia sweeney

Scenes From The Julia Sweeney Michael Blum Wedding

Sequence of Rick Freeman (note Men's Warehouse tux!) and me at Julia Sweeney's fabulous wedding. During the reception the lobby was set up with a photo booth and thru the night guest's souls were captured for all eternity. So here we are, from dignified to not-so. Just a tiny glass of wine and all hell broke loose. Really wish I had some shots of me dancing with Kim Dickens!
http://tv.msnbc.com/2013/04/02/an-excerpt-from-julia-sweeneys-if-its-not-one-thing-its-your-mother/ — with Julia Sweeney and Rick Freeman at Hollywood, California.

Photo Booth Capturing Our Souls

In the Lobby Photo Booth

Julie Sweeney on the Today Show IN A FEW MINUTES!

Julia Sweeney appearing on The Today Show (ttps://www.facebook.com/pages/NBC-Studio-Tour/176413765742819?fref=ts&rf=154249251255451) this morning - any moment now! - here's a photo of Julia and her new husband Michael I took at their wedding in Hollywood a few years ago. The BEST and MOST FUN WEDDING ever, officiated by Father Guido Sarducci (http://www.fathersarducci.com/) with appearances by Jill Sobule (https://www.facebook.com/JillSobule?fref=ts) and other glamorous luminaries who already get enough publicity. OK, back to reality, headed to the dentist so I'm finished plugging Julia Sweeney for the moment, thank your lucky stars....

Julia Sweeney on the Today Show Wednesday 4/3/13

Julia Sweeney
Julia Sweeney will be on the Today Show tomorrow morning talking about her lovely new book, "If It's Not One Thing, It's Your Mother". She's the same wonderful, funny, smart, serious and genuine person that comes through in her prose. No, she's not paying me to say this, I'm just very pleased to know her and be able to read her great book. OK, I suck at the subtleties of PR. 

And if you need a great laugh, take a look & listen here.


Julia Sweeney on Morning Joe

Julia Sweeney "If It's Not One Thing, It's Your Mother" Book Promotion
Julia is on Morning Joe right at this moment to promote her new book, "If It's Not One Thing, It's Your Mother".

She sent me a copy yesterday. I'm in Chapter 23 "Hinky Dink is Sinking" along with our family's history. It's a wonderful, heartfelt read that at times was difficult to read without laughing and/or crying.

It's weird - I'm SO nervous for her, and this is what she does! And she's really good at it!

Knock 'em Dead, Julia. Love, Catherine

Cousin Julia Sweeney's New Book Almost Released!

My cousin Julia has a new book!
Julia Sweeney on SNL as Pat - Early 90's
My fabulous cousin Julia Sweeney's new book, "If It's Not One Thing, It's Your Mother" is being released April 1!

It can be ordered through Amazon, and not that I'm biased or anything, but I'm certain it's going to be wonderful, because that's Julia.

Have a wonderful day; I'm going to make certain I do.

Julia Sweeney's New Book!

My incredibly talented and brilliant cousin, Julia Sweeney, is having her book published April 2!!! And I guess I'm in it!!!! Yikes!!!!
At Simon & Schuster. My book comes out April 2!
Photo: At Simon & Schuster.  My book comes out April 2!