
ARTISTS ALERT!!! Call for Copyright Action!!!!

Fellow artists,

The 1976 Copyright Act is being written, and NOT for the good of artist's rights. It is critical that all artists who want and need their revenue streams, royalties and indeed, the creative ownership of their own work to remain intact, then your input is needed immediately

Once the law is rewritten, then the opportunity to make a difference is lost.

Until Thursday, July 23, 2015, you may contact the Copyright Office and submit your opinion. If you want to know the background about this complex but very important issue, then you will find an in-depth interview on youtube. The interview is titled: 

"Everything You Know About Copyright Is About To Change - Brad Holland" 

Here is the LINK.

In 2008 over 100 artists from all walks of life spent our own time, money and energy to go to Washington DC. We rallied thousands of artists to send in their work samples, letters, etc. and we went to the offices (and often met with) every Senator and member of the House of Representatives to let them know what we expected from them. 

We have lawyers (often pro bono) and have hired lobbyists to represent artist's rights. The bill died from the pressure put on artists from across the country.

It is time to fight for our rights again. 

Thank you.

Catherine Twomey
Board Certified Medical Illustrator
Fine Artist, Currently Licensing Over 20 fine art images

Don't Steal My Work.

It's happened again, so I have a very good reason to post this: 

Do NOT Steal My Work.

It you were in a store and caught thefting, you would be arrested then sentenced. If I hired a plumber, or doctor, or handy person - pretty much anyone - I would have to pay them for their services or I would suffer the consequences.

Taking my registered, copyrighted artwork without my permission is the same thing. You are taking my hard earned money out of my pocket, and I will pursue you for that.

To all of those who take the time to contact, license or purchase from me - thank you. Your integrity is greatly appreciated, as is YOUR hard earned cash.

The latest image stolen:

"Da Vinci Horse Piaffe" C. Twomey; ©2015 Catherine Twomey • All Rights Reserved

The fine: a minimum of $2000.00

Want to license my work? Try this:

phone: 434-326-5781

Don't even try to tell me you couldn't find me, or that there was no copyright mark on the image.