
"Moxie As A Human" Sculpture

Original Ceramic Sculpture Catherine Twomey
MOXIE As A Human
As I'm recovering from foot surgery, to keep from losing my mind I have finally finished up a sculpture done in the spring. 

The concept is somewhat bizarre, but that's alright. The day before she was to be killed at a high kill shelter in North Carolina, we rescued the sweetest, foxiest most adorable pup. We named her Moxie, and she's owned us ever since.

Moxie is as smart as they come. We think she's chow, shepherd and lab. I knew I had to incorporate that personality into my art. She just barked "sassy retro girl" and that's what she became, in clay. From the bun on her head to her flashy Egyptian tail, there's no messing with Moxie. She sits like that all the time, with that right-at-you stare that lets you know she's got you.

I think I'd like to work on more of these, it was that challenging.

Thank goodness for dogs.

"You Have A Gorgeous Mug"

Photo: "You Have A Gorgeous Mug" was inspired by Suzanne Crane's lovely ceramics. I bought a group of these mugs and have given them away as gifts, so I thought: "You love it -Paint it!". This 4 X 4" framed oil painting will be available at my upcoming One Person Show at Mud Dauber Pottery, 4225 Earlysville Road in Earlysville, VA.

The show will run from Oct. 13 thru Jan. 1, 2013.

You Have A Gorgeous Mug

"You Have A Gorgeous Mug" was inspired by Suzanne Crane's lovely ceramics

I bought a group of these mugs and have given them away as gifts, so I thought: "You love it -Paint it!".  There's something magical about the colors and precision that Suzanne uses to produce her work. It is an honor to be featured at her store and to be given this opportunity to collaborate.

This 4 X 4" framed oil painting will be available at my upcoming One Person Show at Mud Dauber Pottery, 4225 Earlysville Road in Earlysville, VA.

This work is in a beautiful and unusual frame called a "floater frame". It allows the painting to wrap around the canvas sides and still be visible. It also helps a small painting like this make a big impact. The show will run from Oct. 13 thru Jan. 1, 2013.