c. twomey

"Buck Mountain Vineyard No. 2", oil, Twomey

C. Twomey original oil
Buck Mountain Vineyard No.1

This original oil painting, "Buck Mountain Vineyard No.2" will be available for sale on September 13th and 20th at the Arts Rivanna Tour, in and around Earlysville, VA. It is 6 X 6", and is framed in a beautiful handmade frame.

I was driving down Buck Mountain Rd., about 2 miles from where I live, and came around a curve to this unforgettable site. There wasn't much room for painting, but I got it done and can't help revisiting the moment every time I paint it. Vineyards are popping up all over here, and they bring endless painting possibilities.

The tour will be Saturday, September 13th & 20th, beginning at 10:00 am. If you're needing directions to the Arts Rivanna Tour, see the following. I'll be located at the studio in the middle, off of Advance Mills Road near Fray Road. Hope to meet you then!